Tuesday, October 2, 2012

#6 Generation IM

Generation IM was an article describing the application of technology within the classroom and how it relates to the students capacity for learning. The article begins by describing the cultural occurence of a very technology oriented society where homes are often engrossed in various different forms of technology. I know that with my family and even within the Army, technology is a large factor in our day to day operations.

One thing that I learned from the article is I did not realize how many students before the age of 6 are exposed to computers. It is interesting to realize that statistically over two hours of those children's day is spent behind a computer screen. Although these are very formative years for a student, I do believe this computer exposure is excessive. Another aspect were the seven suggestions located at the end of the article describing different ways that a teacher can incorporate technology into their education. One way that had never crossed my mind was to use Google maps to indicate journeys and voyages of our history. This would be a very effective tool in a Social Studies or geography class analyzing cultural and topographical characteristics of different areas.

This information could be utilized in a science class in many different ways. If I became a science teacher, I would try to incorporate the virtual media sharing website YOUTUBE and have my students videotape their experiments, trying a variety of experiments and edit them together into a sequence, uploading to YOUTUBE for sharing in class. This would be a fun and interactive way to have students engaged with technology while enjoying creating videos regarding science experiments.

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