Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Assignment 2

The link to the unedited project that I will be using can be located here:

In my lesson I will be using a variety of features.

- The Jeopardy squares on the "GAME BOARD" slide are linked to a separate slide that contains each question.

- Once the question has been answered, an "Infinity" blue tile will cover the box to suggest that it has been answered.

- When revealing the answers to specific questions, a sound clip is used as the answer unveiled.

- A score board slide could be utilized to tally the responses between the two teams of students using clickers.


3. Technology productivity tools
      Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase
         productivity, and promote creativity.
      Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing
        technology-enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other
creative works.

5. Technology research tools
      Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information
        from a variety of sources.
      Students use technology tools to process data and report results.
Students evaluate and select new information resources and
        technological innovations based on the appropriateness for specific

This activity meets the standard because a variety of information can be presented and students receive a formative and potentially summative assessment on the information provided. It relates to a well known Television game show helping better relate to the students and helping establish a standard of procedures for the interactive activity.

Interactive white boards can improve learning because it better relates to students and seems more applicable to them and their culture. Today's students are products of technology and have become very accustomed to operating with technology in their everyday lives. For this reason, they can more efficiently adapt and experience the full capacity of the ActivBoard. It is an exciting and interactive tool that reaches students of all learning styles and far surpasses traditional methods of presenting information in a classroom setting.

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