Monday, September 10, 2012

#3 Marc Prensky Article Analysis

Marc Prensky's article is a very progressive look at the importance of technology in the classroom and the educational gap created between teachers and students due to technology awareness. The two groups are described as the Digital Natives (students) and the Digital Immigrants (teachers). Digital Natives have been raised in an era of technological influence and have become accustomed to learning and receiving information at a quicker and more ecstatic pace than the Digital Immigrants. This presents a problem as the teachers present information to students in a logical, methodical pace that mimics their prior educational experience. This trend tends to result in boredom and lack of motivation within students causing a cycle that reduces the effectiveness of the educational system. While the "old school" model of a step by step approach to learning was efficient for the Digital Immigrants, Digital Natives require an expedited form of education in order to maintain interest.

I agree with the majority of Marc's arguments within the article, although I couldn't help but notice the lack of viable solutions to this predicament. There seems to be a disregard for basis information and logic within the solutions provided. For example, Marc suggests that curriculum needs to be revamped to include many more subjects that revolve more around technology. While this seems like a good idea, adding to the subject load currently on students could be detrimental and may task out the students in too many directions. Also, while students may be accustomed to technology, they may not be interested in pursuing a career revolving around technology. He also suggested that politics and social issues were not in current curriculum but I believe those facets are incorporated in a lot of Social Studies, History, and Current Issues courses found in High Schools.

On the other hand, Marc identifies very important problems with the gap between students and teachers. Digital Immigrants need to make the effort to become more applicable to the students and continue to strive to teach on their level. While this may take a large revamp in methodology, it seems very necessary in order to become a more effective instructor. I believe that a more technologically savvy staff could ignite a spark of excitement within schools that allows for a fun and efficient learning experience.

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