Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Flip your classroom is a webinar blog by  a Chemistry and a  Chemistry/Technology educator who advocate for the use of online video posts to be watched at home, and review online instruction or conduct experiments in engaging activities in school. The basis of the argument suggests that direct instruction can be watched online at home in order that students then can have a more interactive experience in the classroom. This came about because the founders taught in Colorado and students were constantly missing class due to sports, weather and outside activities. As opposed to homework, students would watch an online lesson or instruction.

The first thing that came to mind is the issue of students who do not have access to technology in the home. The founders negate this problem by suggesting that schools become more accessible and allow students to use resources within the school, outside of the designated class time. Although they acknowledge that access is a legitimate concern, they suggest that "creativity and persistence" will help combat this problem.

This type of education is a very student driven schooling standard and requires teachers to transition from a teacher based philosophy to the more progressive student centered environment. The founders suggest that learning at home and working in class will help allow for students to adapt more efficiently to the different styles of learning.

I agree with many different aspects of this model but am realistic about the time and effort it will take to transition to this standard. It is a very progressive model of education but could make learning more effective for students in the technological age.

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