Tuesday, October 9, 2012

#7 Blogs for Educators

The blog that I observed was from a 5th grade class at Mukilteo Elementary Schools. The first thing that I noticed on the blog was that the learning target was boldly established. This is important because it helps focus the student, teacher and parent on the objective of the lesson. Then, if parents are able to assist their student on their assignment, they have a general grasp of the overall expectation. Directly under the learning target are the assigned homework tasks and links to the photocopied page. This allows students to print off assignments in the case that they have lost their book. I think by giving students a more accessible resource for their homework will help increase the likelihood that homework is completed in a timely manner.

Another thing that I liked from this blog was the linked tools that were not directly specific to the learning target. This allows students to interact with the website at a later date for further assistance on other homework. Also, the teacher added four separate interactive and fun activities to help reinforce the learning target. This blog seems like it would be a great resource for the 5th grade students.


  1. I think it's important for the teacher to provide other resources for the students that aren't necessarily separate from the lesson, but enhance the learning at another time. It seems like this class has access to a lot of cool resources!

  2. I think this blog sounds like it is a valuable resource for both the teacher and the students. I like how it gives fun activities that can keep kids engaged in the learning outside of the specific lesson time. I also think having the homework available to print off in case it gets lost is a good thing to have.
