Monday, October 15, 2012

Reflection 4

This reflection is in regards to the photo book created online. While I do not see the extent of applicability for this program in a secondary P.E. class, I do see the application of the story program in a health class. Specifically, I could see this working very well during the tobacco awareness portion of the class where students are released to teach in elementary and middle schools on the health risks of using tobacco. I believe that this program would be a great way to link the gap between high school students and elementary students by presenting a creative photo story that would be both informative and engaging for the students being taught. The high school students would be required to design and publish the story for use in an elementary classroom as a guest speaker. 


  1. Hey Trey,

    I see how it would be hard to use the animoto website in your P.E. classes. However, I think requiring your students to make a video about the consequences of tobacco and smoking and then show it in a classroom to younger students would be very beneficial and leave an impact. There is something that leaves a big impact about a video of pictures that goes along with music, versus just talking about it. Kids are influenced by what they see...not what they hear. Good post! I enjoyed reading your ideas

  2. I would have to agree- I can't think of any ways that you could use the technology we're learning about in a secondary PE class, but I think that story book idea is a great one. I did something like that in middle school, our class made posters about the effects of smoking and shared them with the younger grades. Your idea seems like a more modern version of what my class did.
