Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Assignment 2

The link to the unedited project that I will be using can be located here:

In my lesson I will be using a variety of features.

- The Jeopardy squares on the "GAME BOARD" slide are linked to a separate slide that contains each question.

- Once the question has been answered, an "Infinity" blue tile will cover the box to suggest that it has been answered.

- When revealing the answers to specific questions, a sound clip is used as the answer unveiled.

- A score board slide could be utilized to tally the responses between the two teams of students using clickers.


3. Technology productivity tools
      Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase
         productivity, and promote creativity.
      Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing
        technology-enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other
creative works.

5. Technology research tools
      Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information
        from a variety of sources.
      Students use technology tools to process data and report results.
Students evaluate and select new information resources and
        technological innovations based on the appropriateness for specific

This activity meets the standard because a variety of information can be presented and students receive a formative and potentially summative assessment on the information provided. It relates to a well known Television game show helping better relate to the students and helping establish a standard of procedures for the interactive activity.

Interactive white boards can improve learning because it better relates to students and seems more applicable to them and their culture. Today's students are products of technology and have become very accustomed to operating with technology in their everyday lives. For this reason, they can more efficiently adapt and experience the full capacity of the ActivBoard. It is an exciting and interactive tool that reaches students of all learning styles and far surpasses traditional methods of presenting information in a classroom setting.

#5 Promethean Board

The link that I found to be most helpful for researching the Promethean Board is located here:

One of the most interesting things that I researched in regards to the ActivBoard was the steadfast reference to relating to as many learning styles as possible within the classroom. Through this dynamic experience of visual, aural, kinesthetic and even logical interaction, the ActivBoard is a great tool for reaching students on their level. As typical students today are products of technology, this very advanced and developed technological tool is very applicable to students. It helps grab the attention of very distractible minds and keeps students focused on the lesson while allowing them to engage and interact with the material.

Question: How reliable is the technology and programming of the ActivBoard? Too often it seems that technical difficulties can ruin a lesson. What happens if entire units and segments revolve around the use of the ActivBoard and then the programming encounters an error or is corrupt?

#4 What I Have Learned

This week I was made aware of the various capacities and applications that the SMART Board has to offer. The most important thing that I learned was how to navigate the open sharing website with various different lesson plans that can be adopted into classrooms, created by other teachers. At first, I imagined that putting together a presentation on the SMART Board would be a very daunting task, but after learning that many lessons are publicly accessible to teachers, it seems much more manageable to simply share and adapt these lessons to particular classrooms.

I believe this resource is a very important tool for teachers and it helps support the them of "not reinventing the wheel" encouraging teachers to pull resources from other classrooms. Although I am pursuing a health and fitness education degree, I know that I will share this resource with my fellow teachers and potentially look to implement some interesting and interactive Physical Education presentations into the templates.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Demographics write-up

Mount Si High School
Snoqualmie Valley School District

Classroom Demographics

This section takes into consideration the students, parental support and overall availability of technology. According to the Washington State Report Card, Mount Si High School (MSHS) is made up of almost 90% White students, 4% Hispanic, 3% Asian and 1% Black followed by less than 1% of American Indian, Pacific Islander, and Two or more races. Only 13% of the student population utilizes free or reduced price meals indicating a majority middle class white socio-economic status. Technology is readily available as each classroom is outfitted with a SmartBoard and multiple computers available for student use. The school has 4 separate computer labs, utilizes reader boards and takes advantage of a multi-media broadcast television network to publicize current events. Students have access to an online grading system allowing constant assessment of progress.

School Demographics

This section analyzes the location, population as well as the service and support for the school. MSHS is located in Snoqualmie, WA, approximately forty five minutes east of Seattle. It is the only High School available for students living in North Bend, Snoqualmie, Fall City and Preston. For this reason, in October 2011, MSHS is home to over 1500 students. The gender population is approximately 50/50. Special education students make up 8% of the student population. The majority of the service and support throughout the school is provided through the funds raised and allocated by the Associated Student Body (ASB) program. This an encompassing program that regulates the publicity, operation and efficiency of the clubs, athletics, and fine arts programs in the school.

Community Demographics

The community of the Snoqualmie plays a large role in the support of students, technology, volunteer teams and financial support. Each program within the high school has a booster program, operated by adult volunteers that monitor the allocation of funds and fundraising opportunities. Due to the proximity of relatively smaller towns, the community support within the school mimics a small town atmosphere placing precedence on high school athletics, education and student well being. With this in mind, generous donations are awarded to the school each year for operating costs. Also, various program auctions, car washes and athletic events raise a considerable amount of money that supports the high school. The school PTSA works hand in hand with the ASB allowing for an efficient coordination between parent volunteers and the student population.

Tech Standards

The technology standards for the grade levels at MSHS are consistent throughout each level. It has been required that each classroom become equipped with a SmartBoard to allow for more efficient display and teacher convenience in the classroom setting. Each student has access to computers and printing devices to help negate the issue of students who lack access to computers at home. The video production crew, operated by students under the supervision of qualified professional video production managers, strives to keep the students updated with weekly reviews and publicity of upcoming events. This is made possible not only with the SmartBoards in each classroom but also T.V's located in the common areas throughout the school.

1. Basic operations and concepts
      Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and
         operation of technology systems.
      Students are proficient in the use of technology.
2. Social, ethical, and human issues
      Students understand the ethical, cultural, and societal issues related
        to technology.
      Students practice responsible use of technology systems, information,
         and software.
      Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that
         support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and
3. Technology productivity tools
      Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase
         productivity, and promote creativity.
      Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing
        technology-enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other
creative works.

4. Technology communications tools
      Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and interact
        with peers, experts, and other audiences.
      Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate
         information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.
5. Technology research tools
      Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information
        from a variety of sources.
      Students use technology tools to process data and report results.
Students evaluate and select new information resources and
        technological innovations based on the appropriateness for specific
6. Technology problem-solving and decision-making tools
      Students use technology resources for solving problems and making
         informed decisions.
      Students employ technology in the development of strategies for solving
         problems in the real world.

#3 Marc Prensky Article Analysis

Marc Prensky's article is a very progressive look at the importance of technology in the classroom and the educational gap created between teachers and students due to technology awareness. The two groups are described as the Digital Natives (students) and the Digital Immigrants (teachers). Digital Natives have been raised in an era of technological influence and have become accustomed to learning and receiving information at a quicker and more ecstatic pace than the Digital Immigrants. This presents a problem as the teachers present information to students in a logical, methodical pace that mimics their prior educational experience. This trend tends to result in boredom and lack of motivation within students causing a cycle that reduces the effectiveness of the educational system. While the "old school" model of a step by step approach to learning was efficient for the Digital Immigrants, Digital Natives require an expedited form of education in order to maintain interest.

I agree with the majority of Marc's arguments within the article, although I couldn't help but notice the lack of viable solutions to this predicament. There seems to be a disregard for basis information and logic within the solutions provided. For example, Marc suggests that curriculum needs to be revamped to include many more subjects that revolve more around technology. While this seems like a good idea, adding to the subject load currently on students could be detrimental and may task out the students in too many directions. Also, while students may be accustomed to technology, they may not be interested in pursuing a career revolving around technology. He also suggested that politics and social issues were not in current curriculum but I believe those facets are incorporated in a lot of Social Studies, History, and Current Issues courses found in High Schools.

On the other hand, Marc identifies very important problems with the gap between students and teachers. Digital Immigrants need to make the effort to become more applicable to the students and continue to strive to teach on their level. While this may take a large revamp in methodology, it seems very necessary in order to become a more effective instructor. I believe that a more technologically savvy staff could ignite a spark of excitement within schools that allows for a fun and efficient learning experience.

Monday, September 3, 2012

#2 Sir Ken Robinson

After watching Mr. Robinson's speech in regards to the current status of the education system, I believe that he brings up many valid points regarding the somewhat complacent state of education. The analogy of the fast food model was an accurate depiction describing the overly standardized expectations of the very linear educational track followed by students throughout their schooling career. This streamlined approach, although efficient, does not always effectively challenge and push students to their individual potentials, and could also leave some children overlooked. I believe by incorporating more technology into education, students will be exposed to a more dynamic curriculum allowing for individual growth that is monitored by the educator. It will develop more creativity, excitement and interest within the students and allow them to experience their education more fully as opposed to just completing courses and moving on to further grades or study.