Tuesday, November 6, 2012

#11 Educational Blog and REFLECTION #10


This blog describes the disagreement between two experts in regards to training methods for job positions. The blogger witnessed an article discussing that all training should be done prior to the job. In disagreement, he argues that through the experience of the job, the individual will be trained on what is and what is not effective. My comment describes an agreement with the blog post as in my experiences, even the best laid plans go awry. As different people and situations are brought into the equation, the experience becomes drastically different and it would be difficult to be fully trained outside the realm with the dynamic differences between situations. This contributes because I indicated my experiences in the military as a credible source of the differences between training exercises and real life.


After viewing this blog, i realize the importance of digital footprint and the necessity of being professional with blog posts. Sadly, as with many social networking opportunities, conversations become out of hand and unprofessional. In the realm of education, people have very strong opinions and beliefs, but it is important to respect differences of opinion in classroom management. Simple searches could reveal past conversations that had gone poorly and it will reflect negatively on you as an educator. Post well and post smart!

1 comment:

  1. When I interned at the Young Life camp this last summer I had some training before the camps actually began, but it did little to prepare me for what it was actually like. Most of my training was done within the first several weeks of having camps in and it was incredibly overwhelming, but it made the most sense. My supervisor wouldn't have been able to prepare me for all of the different situations that came up within those first weeks. This post makes total sense.
