Tuesday, November 27, 2012

#14 Future of Technology and Education

The most consistent theme established in regards to the future of technology education is the progressive merging of technology breakthroughs into the classroom. Interestingly, this is causing the culture of education to become a much more flexible and adaptive system allowing for constant changes and progressions in technology. Not only will these changes be affecting specific classrooms, but future technologies are theorized to have a significant effect on the school as whole. Curriculum will require changing, lessons will require revamping and significant portions of funding will be required for technology assets in order to stay on track with the progressions in technology. At Issaquah High School, the video editing lab was recently equipped with large flat screen Mac computers programmed with expensive video editing software. These 30 computers are a progressive shift away from the standard Dell computers previously used in Video Production. Issaquah has also implemented a new online Physical Education course where students rotate in 2 week iterations and the majority of communication and tracking is done online. This is a rather significant breakthrough especially in a Physical Education Course.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

#13 Word, Excel, Powerpoint and REFLECTION #12

- alternating between landscape and portrait views for flyers or storybook presentations.
- utilizing the research or "look up" tool to refine or support my statements.
- user friendly toolbar navigation
- autoformatting can often be frustrating when building tables

- primarily use excell for strength and conditioning spreadsheet

Core Lift 1RM 90% Wendler Percentages
Squat 342 308 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Bench 235 212 65% 80% 75% 40%
Shoulder Press 172 155 75% 85% 85% 50%
Deadlift 403 363 85% 90% 95% 60%
Core Lift
Squat Mon, 12 Nov Mon, 19 Nov Mon, 26 Nov Mon, 03 Dec
Set 1 200.00 215.00 230.00 125.00
Set 2 235.00 250.00 260.00 155.00
Set 3 265.00 280.00 295.00 185.00 -1.89% 0.00%
PR: Set 3 11 9 NA 367.04 360.08 #N/A
Bench Tue, 13 Nov Tue, 20 Nov Tue, 27 Nov Tue, 04 Dec
Set 1 135.00 170.00 160.00 85.00
Set 2 160.00 180.00 180.00 105.00
Set 3 180.00 190.00 200.00 125.00 0.00% 0.00%
PR: Set 3 8 NA 223.49 #N/A #N/A
Shoulder Press Thu, 15 Nov Thu, 22 Nov Thu, 29 Nov Thu, 06 Dec
Set 1 100.00 125.00 115.00 60.00
Set 2 115.00 130.00 130.00 75.00
Set 3 130.00 140.00 145.00 95.00 0.00% 0.00%
PR: Set 3 10 NA 173.38 #N/A #N/A
Deadlift Fri, 16 Nov Fri, 23 Nov Fri, 30 Nov Fri, 07 Dec
Set 1 235.00 290.00 270.00 145.00
Set 2 270.00 310.00 310.00 180.00
Set 3 310.00 325.00 345.00 220.00 0.00% 0.00%
PR: Set 3 15 NA 507.53 #N/A #N/A

Cells are formulated to adapt and change off of each other. Automatically calculates percentages of increase and improvement over various cycles.

- primarily used for visual presentations
- pre designed slides are effective for building a quick and professional presentation
- animations are easily edited and applied to slideshow

- can be saved as PDF files

Project 1:
Create a Powerpoint Presentation
 Save as PDF
Create a free “FLIPSNACK” account
Upload PDF onto FLIPSNACK under “Make a Flipping Book”
Use free EMBED link to retrieve HTML for Link.
Access CLASS BLOG and click HTML and paste embedded link
Post Flipping Book to Blog 

Project 2:

Design a project where students must create an excel spreadsheet to document the expenditures for a hypothetical vacation trip. Students will be allotted 6,000$ each and must research and describe how funds will be spent during the vacation.

This should include:
- Gas/Airfare
- hotel
- food
- activities
- tours etc.

Project 3:

Conduct a survey among peers in regards to a specific interest of the students and have them use WORD to create a series of the various charts and graphs available in a word documents. Creating tables is an accurate way of recording results.

Excel spreadsheets have always been the most fascinating recording device to me. Also, it is the most difficult. Being able to successfully navigate Excel is a capacity that I am looking to further refine as I know that in the personal training, military and teaching worlds, documenting and recording strategies and assessments can prove beneficial to reviewing success. This brings me to the point of emphasis of programs being user friendly. In my experiences with Excel, it is not a very user friendly program, simply meaning that for the novice browser, Excel is difficult to function.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Digital Citizenship

#12 Marzano and REFLECTION #11


This article discusses Dr. Marzano's sample tests and techniques for assessing technology incorporated into the classroom. An interesting quote of Dr. Marzano was that there are no "silver bullets" but that there are "silver BB's" suggesting that there are smaller components of effective technology use creating a more applicable educational experience for students. He also adds that too much technology can be a detrimental aspect to education. Balance is key, ensuring that there is a very concise focus on content and that the technology is not detracting from the lesson. Specifically this article shows the importance of incorporating the voting aspect provided through using an activeboard and I will look to incorporate this into my future classroom not only to provide students with a more engaging learning experience but also track the specific students that are comprehending the material as opposed to those who are not.

Today in AVID, the owner of Blazing Bagels gave a presentation on how his business came to be. He described the early days of his very successful Bagel business and the importance of effectively networking between clients. Using technology, he coordinated the door to door business of bagel sales and calculated net profits and losses. After realizing he was losing money, he decided to target larger corporations and moved from building to building at specific times to sell his bagels. Leaving business cards, he has networked his business into on of the largest Bagel companies in the world, based solely out of a large warehouse in Redmond. It's amazing what technology can do for a business!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

#11 Educational Blog and REFLECTION #10


This blog describes the disagreement between two experts in regards to training methods for job positions. The blogger witnessed an article discussing that all training should be done prior to the job. In disagreement, he argues that through the experience of the job, the individual will be trained on what is and what is not effective. My comment describes an agreement with the blog post as in my experiences, even the best laid plans go awry. As different people and situations are brought into the equation, the experience becomes drastically different and it would be difficult to be fully trained outside the realm with the dynamic differences between situations. This contributes because I indicated my experiences in the military as a credible source of the differences between training exercises and real life.


After viewing this blog, i realize the importance of digital footprint and the necessity of being professional with blog posts. Sadly, as with many social networking opportunities, conversations become out of hand and unprofessional. In the realm of education, people have very strong opinions and beliefs, but it is important to respect differences of opinion in classroom management. Simple searches could reveal past conversations that had gone poorly and it will reflect negatively on you as an educator. Post well and post smart!

#10 Blooms Taxonomy


Technology incorporates an interesting mix of both cognitive and psychomotor skills. Not only does technology require a mental and deliberate cognitive response, the physical and manual requirement of browsing, blogging and manipulating technology increases the applicability of technology in the classroom. Bloom integrates these types of learning into a progressive approach for developing a more effective student. Interestingly, through integrating technology, students have the capacity to incorporate more aspects of learning increasing the efficiency of gathering information.